Giving Back to Our Communities
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Appalachia Service Project (ASP) is an organization which gives teenagers and adults the opportunity to help others in need. ASP provides a structured service opportunity, bringing thousands of volunteers from all over the country to rural Central Appalachia to repair homes for low-income families. ATX supports the Westborough, MA ASP team, which trains high school youth and adults from the greater Westborough area and transports them to rural Appalachia for a week of service each year. This program not only benefits the rural families, but also provides life changing experiences to youth who have little experience with poverty or socio-economic conditions outside of New England.
“The Westborough ASP team brings over 150 volunteers each year to repair homes and provide hope for families in the poorest and most rural areas of Appalachia. Most of the teenagers come back year after year and we see them truly transformed both by the poverty they encounter and by the hope that they themselves can bring to families in need. ATX has been incredibly supportive both of my volunteer time as well as supporting the team financially.” – Kristine Owen.
ATX is proud to support Kristine Owen as she, and her husband Jonathan, provide key volunteer leadership to the Westborough ASP program.